Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  

  • Who are these video courses for?
   Algebra Basics Video Series for Teachers:
    • Middle School Pre-Alg & Algebra Teachers
    • High School Algebra Teachers
    • 4th / 5th / 6th Grade Teachers
    • Math Intervention Teachers
    • Special Education Teachers
    • Resource Teachers
    • ELD Teachers
    • AVID Teachers
    • Beginning Teachers
    • Veteran Teachers
   Algebra Basics Video Series for Students:
    • Homeschool students 
    • Public school students
    • Private school students
    • Charter school students

Basically any student who may have gaps in learning and/or who wants to excel at the foundational concepts necessary to succeed in Algebra and beyond!

  • What age range is this most suitable for?
    4th – 12th grades:  Upper Elementary, Middle School & High School students have all benefited greatly from these strategies!
  • What is the cost?
    Algebra Basics Video Series for Teachers: $247 Find out what's included
    Algebra Basics Video Series for Students: $147 Find out what's included

  • Can I watch it as many times as I want?
    Yes!  Each individual user has access to the course for one year.

  • Is this a subscription or a one-time fee?
    Not a subscription.  One-time fee for one-year access.

  • What if I need access to the videos for more than a year?
    Access can be extended for a discounted rate at the completion of the year.

  • Will there be other video courses?
    Yes!!  We will be launching more helpful GEMDAS® Algebra Success® video series in the very near future!  They are currently in production... Stay tuned!

  • Is there a Prerequisite for future courses?
    Yes:  The Algebra Basics Video Series is the prerequisite for all future courses.

  • How long does it take to go through the course?
    Algebra Basics Video Series for Teachers
    There's over 2½ hours of video footage, including footage of the strategies being modeled by award-winning teacher, Lora Kermode, in a classroom with students .  Depending on how long it takes teachers to go through the practice problems to practice the color coding, it should take approximately 3 hours for teachers to complete the course.  

    Algebra Basics Video Series for Students - 
    There's a little over 2 hours of video footage.  Depending on how long it takes students to go through the practice problems, it should take approximately 3 hours to complete the course.  

  • What happens after I buy a course?

    Once you purchase a course, you'll receive 2 emails: an Order Confirmation email AND a separate email with a link to set up your password for your account.

    If you do not receive the emails, be sure to check your Junk/Spam folder.  If you need any further assistance, email us at Support@AlgebraSuccess.com or call (562) 430-0040.  

    • Can I change the playback speed of the videos?
      A student can change their playback preference at the any time by accessing the gear icon on the bottom right of the video playbar.  Once they set a playback speed within one of the course videos, this will be their new default playback speed and will automatically be set within the next videos they watch.

    • Can I use this on my phone / tablet or desktop only?
      Individual users can access their account on any device.



    • How are the Algebra Basics Video Series for Teachers & Students different?  

    The Algebra Basics Video Series for Teachers is professional development that's packed full of strategies, tips and tools to effectively teach ALL students in a FUN & EASY way using multi-modal strategies that have been proven to INCREASE comprehension & retention!

    If you want to MAXIMIZE results in your classroom, you can ADD-ON the Algebra Basics Video Series for Students for whole-group use.

    EXTRAS you’ll get when teachers ADD-ON the Algebra Basics Video Series for Students:

      • Ready-to-go videos of ‘mini-lessons’ for key foundational concepts to show students during whole-group instruction 

        • Broken out by concepts for ease of use
        • Includes concepts not included in the Teacher course (Review of Absolute Value & Exponents)

      • BONUS videos for simplifying multi-step expressions

      • EXTRA Examples & Practice Problems

      • Worksheets AND color-coded answer keys

      • PDF of the poster used in the videos for use on a doc camera or smart board

    • Can the Algebra Basics Video Series for Teachers be used sitewide and/or districtwide?

      Each Teacher Course is per individual teacher. IF INTERESTED in multiple teachers within the district having access, contact us for a discounted rate! Support@AlgebraSuccess.com or (562) 430-0040

    • Can the Algebra Basics Video Series for Students be used sitewide and/or districtwide?

      If a teacher ADDS ON the Student Course, it is for whole-group instruction only.  IF INTERESTED in students having INDIVIDUAL ACCESS (independent / individual student use in the classroom, math labs, in-home use), contact us to set it up for a BIG discount! Support@AlgebraSuccess.com or (562) 430-0040

    • I'm not receiving emails.  What can I do?
      Always check your Junk folder. But many districts block outside emails. Once you purchase a course, be sure to have your district's IT department “Safelist” the following email addresses and IP addresses ASAP so you’ll be able to receive important emails:



      Domain: algebrasuccess.com

    • Should I watch these videos with my child?
      Parents are encouraged to watch the videos with your child!  Students can certainly watch the videos on their own as well.

      A lot of parents have their own math phobias.  Lora Kermode has a gift of helping kids and adults overcome any math phobias they may have.

      The strategies contained in these videos have helped countless students and parents understand math and realize they CAN do math!

      See Sam’s inspiring story:  Overcoming Fear of Math…  There is Hope!


    • I'm not receiving emails.  What can I do?

      Once you purchase a course, if you are not receiving emails, always check your Junk/Spam folder.  Also, be sure to "Allow" the following email addresses and IP addresses in your email settings so you’ll be able to receive important emails:



      Domain:  algebrasuccess.com


    • Do you offer individual one-on-one tutoring for students?
      The Algebra Basics Video Series for Students is designed to be support/tutoring for students.  If you are interested in hiring a private math tutor, please email us so that we can keep you posted on any developments in this area! 
      Email:  Support@AlgebraSuccess.com

      Terms subject to change.