Countless students struggle with Algebra...
There is HOPE!
Bringing color, FUN and positivity to teaching and learning math!

Middle School SDC Teacher

“I understand math more than I did before.
It changed my life.”
9th Grade Algebra Intervention Student

“I’ve never witnessed this kind of a reaction over math – ever!”
Homeschool Consultant / Parent
Algebra Basics Video Series
For teachers who want to teach so that ALL students SUCCEED and have more FUN in the process!
For students who want to get strong in the foundations to SUCCEED in Algebra and beyond!

The brain learns best when the experience is interactive, fun and memorable!
Students need to be actively engaged and have information presented using multiple modalities in order to learn better and retain the information. Research supports this fact.
Meet the Founder:
Lora Kermode
While teaching ninth-graders Algebra at an inner-city public high school, award-winning teacher Lora Kermode developed an innovative system for teaching math in a creative, memorable, and interactive way that is designed for students to gain a conceptual understanding of math while having FUN!

“Students experience greater success and respond with confidence!”
Middle & High School Principal

“These strategies...gave me the confidence and understanding I needed to go all the way to Calculus in college.”
Former Algebra Intervention Student

“Thank you for making math fun again!”

Want to teach so ALL students SUCCEED?
Designed for teachers who want their students to THRIVE and have more FUN in the process! Packed with creative, colorful and easy-to-implement instructional strategies designed for ALL learners.

Looking for help for your child?
Designed for students who may have skills gaps and/or who want to get strong in the foundational skills, concepts and vocabulary necessary to SUCCEED in Algebra and beyond!